Monday, December 1, 2008

Advice to Baruch College

I. Create more online education opportunity
Currently, we have a couple of mixed online&offline classes.
Since we are living in busy daily life(Job & School),
it will provide more educational oppotunity if creates more online courses.

II. Online Tutorial
We have a great tutorial service in campus which called Student Academic Consulting Center(SACC). However, they provide ther service within 9:00 AM~ 8:00 PM. It is longer than normal office hours however, if student have a full time job, it is still difficult to get help from them.

I heard that they have multimedia resources, which is instructional videos.
If they provide these videos online. it will help student to improve their academic performance.

III. Club Webpage

We have more than 150 clubs in campus. I am able to search what kind of clubs we have through Baruch Collge webpage. However, I only get the description of club. I could not find what kind of activities they do and done. It will be great if college provide official webpage for each club.(I believe some of clubs have their own individual webpage). And provide links at the club list page. (

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