Thursday, October 16, 2008

Blog vs. Wikis

Compare and contrast blogs and wikis


-. A frequent, chronological publication
-. Collection of webpages
-. Easy to publish webpage(no need to know web programming)
-. Contents are combined text, images, and links
-. Since both blog and wiki are easy to publish by anyone, the information could not be accuracy.(However, wiki can be modified by many people, it could be more accuracy than blog)

-. Wiki is usually used to create collaborative websites or power community/Blog is usually used to post personal purpose(personal thought, links, news)
-. Wiki can be edited by anyone or the person who has an account/Blog usually edited by the person who owned the blog. (Wiki:many editors, blog one editor)
-. Visitor can leave comments on blog, not wiki.
-. wiki is able to customize by using wiki programming/Blog is usually limited to customize than wiki.

Comment on the importance of convergence in today's networked world

Based on the internet technology, people, from all over the world, are able to communicate. Also people are able to access to the webpage, blog and wiki, to collect and exchange the information. It is possible because of the today's convergent network. Before the internet era, the network had been limited for local usage(Intranet). Since intranet is limited in the local network, the communication over the network had been limited to the local people. However, with innovation of internet, people can share, communicate with people from all over the world. The information could be delivered to all over the world immediately.

Internet is huge and wide, but it is single network. People can use variety method to communicate with video, audio and text in single network environment. Also people can do the videoconference, online gaming and ecommerce. The unified communication platform offers convenience and flexibility which was not able to deal with several infrastructures.

How can blogs be used for collaboration?

1. Share the opinion.

People are able to exchange the opinion on a post topic by leaving comments. When the blog owner leave his/her opinion on the blog. Visitors are able to leave their opinion on the topic and share the opinion.

2. Shedule check.

When the blog owner leave the schedule for the project and person in charge. The person in charge can leave the comment how they do on their duty. Therefore the blog owner and other people can check how the project is going.

Can you think of a new use for a wiki that has not been done yet?

The wiki is usually used for collaborate/community website, which can be updated anyone.

- The preservation of public peace

Not all the crime has been reported to the police. Small and middle class crime could remain in the shade. The community/neighborhood can share the information which area is not safty and person who is violent. People can share the information of the neighborhood and it will keep society safe. Even though the person visits the area first time, the person can collect the information of the area before visit.

Tech Target "Network Convergence",,sid100_gci1310061,00.html

Hauwei Network "Network convergence in the information era"

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