Thursday, September 11, 2008

Term Project : Social Network : better or worse than real thing?

Nowadays, there are new way to get know people around the world. According to growth of high technology and new media, people get know via facebook, blog, community sites, instant messenger and dating site. These technologies allow people to communicate from all over the world and variety social classes. With these technologies, people easy to find the person who has same interest and leisure, exchange information, find a match and exchange the opinion variety people. However, there are some of negative points about cyber social network. Since it is the communication over the screen, some people are easy to use the abuse language to hurt others. There are some people use the cyber social network to criminal ways, such as kid napping and rape. Also it is hard to monitor who the children meet via on line. Even though it is not real social network, this is still the social network on the net. The cyber social network could bring people variety benefits and it would help to improve the human’s life. However, if it is misused, it would be hurt people and it would be the one of the significant social issue in the future.

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